Data Center TTC TELEPORT- Czech Republic

Project includes:

Contained Aisle, 56 PREMIUM RSF racks, 16 CoolTeg Plus Cooling units


The DC2 facility with an area of 8000 m2 consists of a two-storey reinforced concrete building serving as a data centre and an additional four-storey administrative building. The customers’ area reaches 4000 m2.


We provide cooling by the TIER III Standard which means that on the side of the cooling plant there is configuration of N+1 and on the side of the cooling distribution there is a minimum configuration of N+1. The central water/glycol cooling plant consists of 8+1 dry coolers and 8+1 chillers. The cooling medium is distributed through double piping and a Victaulic type pipe joining system. All the components of the cooling system are redundant and powered by two independent power sources.

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